Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Lesson About Letting Go

Ava loves her "PACI" so much that you could almost feel how brokenhearted she was when her Father told her that it's time to let go of her pacifier.  Like any of us, we have our own version of "PACI" in life.  We also need to let go of them no matter how hard it is because we've grown up and there's a better reason for doing so.  It's painful but it has to be done to experience a better life... Imagine AVA growing up to be a beautiful lady coming to her Office to attend Executive Meeting with PACI stucked in her mouth? do you think the bosses would not FIRE her? Did you get my point...: :)

To read more about this topic, please CLICK HERE

     "Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward " -- Author Unknown